Call for paper
Bonn/Tokyo/Fukushima, 11 March 2016 – WWEA Community Power, ISEP and JCPA invite the world of community power cordially to attend the 1st World Community Power Conference 2016 taking place in Fukushima City on the invitation of the Mayor of the City of Fukushima. WCPC aims at bring leading community power proponents from Japan and the world together in order to discuss the role community power has to play in the global shift towards renewable energy. WCPC will also discuss a global community power strategy and its national and local implications.
WCPC will take place on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Paris climate change agreement in which all governments of the world have agreed to switch the global energy supply to greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050, meaning in fact 100 % renewable energy. WCPC happens on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident and of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
Community Power is usually defined as renewable energy installations initiated, operated and controlled by local citizens. Community power has a proven very positive impact on deployment rates of renewable energy and increases the economic benefits of renewable energies.
WCPC takes place in connection with and directly after the 15th World Wind Energy Conference WWEC2016 which will be held from 31 October to 1 November in Tokyo ( The main theme of WWEC2016 is “Concentrating efforts for wind power growth in Japan and worldwide”.
Call for paper
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
- Community power around the world and all over Japan
- Local/National renewable energy policies supporting community power
- Community Power business models in developing and in industrialized countries
- Financing Community Power in developing and in industrialized countries
- Climate issue and community power
- Nuclear and community power
- International, regional and local networking
- Democracy and community power
All abstracts should be written in English, be concise and clearly state results, objectives or key components of the paper. They should not exceed 500 words and should contain a list of key words. Abstracts should be submitted before 31 May 2016 to:
The programme to be published in early July 2016.
Conference language: English and Japanese
- WWEA Community Power –
- World Wind Energy Association –
- Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies –
- Japan Community Power Association –
- Global 100% Renewable Energy Campaign –
1st World Community Power Conference in Fukushima “One year after Paris – five years after Fukushima: Community power for a renewable future!” | 3-4 November 2016 in Fukushima, Japan