We, all the participants of the 1st World Community Power Conference in Fukushima WCPC2016, gathered here more than 600 people from more than 30 countries in Fukushima city on 3rd and 4th November 2016, the year of the fifth commemoration of the Fukushima disaster and one year after the Paris climate agreement, agreed to and decided to issue this Declaration.
The participants re-confirm and refine “the 10 Elements of a Global Community Power Strategy:” as WWEA study presented in March 22nd, 2016 (see Appendix). Reflecting this 10 elements, the participants of the 1st World Community Power Conference commit themselves for the following actions:
Fukushima city, 4 November 2016
Read out by Kaoru Kobayashi, Mayor of Fukushima City, and signed by the representatives of the three organizing institutions on behalf of all the participants:
Yauemon Sato, Japan Community Power Network
Tetsunari Iida, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
Stefan Gsänger, World Wind Energy Association
WWEA Study: Community Wind threatened by discriminating policies (March 22nd, 2016) with minor modification by the WCPC2016 conference participants